
Virtual MFS-16 hard drives are stored as the original .mfsd (MFS-Drive) file format.


By default, the virtual hard drive files can be found in one of the following locations:

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/mfs16desktop/
  • macOS: /Users/<USER>/Library/Application Support/ca.maxgmr.mfs16desktop/
  • Windows:C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\maxgmr\mfs16desktop\data\

Drive Header Format

The first 256 bytes (0x00..=0xFF) are devoted to the drive header.

0x10 - Drive Number

A number from 0-255 denoting the drive number.

0x11..=0x20 - Drive Name

The name of the drive. Up to 16 characters of ASCII-encoded text. A null byte signals an early end to the name.

0x21..=0x22 - Block Size

The number of bytes per block, stored little-endian. MFS-16 drives have a block size of 512.

0x23..=0x24 - Block Count

The number of blocks on the drive, stored little-endian.

0x25 - Drive Flags

The flags of the drive device itself. Each bit corresponds to a given flag:

7 6 5 4 3210
  • ReadFail: This flag is set if a read operation failed.
  • WriteFail: This flag is set if a write operation failed.
  • Busy: This flag is set if the drive is currently performing an operation.