
By default, the user configuration file for MFS-16 desktop is found in one of the following locations:

  • Linux: ~/.config/mfs16desktop/config.toml
  • macOS: /Users/<USER>/Library/Caches/ca.maxgmr.mfs16desktop/config.toml
  • Windows:C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\maxgmr\mfs16desktop\config\config.toml

However, this path can be overridden by setting the MFS16DESKTOP_CONFIG environment variable.

config.toml can be edited by opening the file in any text editor. Any missing options will be overwritten by default.toml in the same directory.

Configuration Options

Palette Settings

  • preset_palette: The preset MFS-16 colour palette to be used.

    This allows for easy switching between certain predefined colour schemes. The preset palettes are defined in the table below- simply replace the string in the config file with any one of the preset names in the table.

Preset Name
preset_palette = "Gruvbox" # case-insensitive

Path Settings

data_path = "~/path/to/data/directory"

Key Bindings

  • exit: The key which, when pressed, immediately exits the program. Must be a valid SDL2 Scancode.
exit = "Escape"

Debugger Settings

  • history_size: The number of cycles to record before the breakpoint is reached.

  • cycles_after_break: The number of cycles to record after the breakpoint is reached.

  • mem_ranges: The ranges of memory to record when keeping track of computer state.

history_size = 128
cycles_after_break = 32

start = 0xFFFFCF
end = 0xFFFFFF


Note that all non-empty break criteria must be satisfied for the debugger to break.

  • break_criteria.pc_list: Break if the program counter is any one of the values in the list.

  • break_criteria.ei: Break if interrupts get enabled.

  • break_criteria.pc_upper_bound: Break if the program counter is greater than this value.

  • break_criteria.pc_lower_bound: Break if the program counter is lesser than this value.

  • break_criteria.instr_list: Break if the current instruction matches any instruction in the list.

  • break_criteria.reg_upper_bounds: Break if any register in this list is greater than its corresponding value.

  • break_criteria.reg_lower_bounds: Break if any register in this list is lesser than its corresponding value.

pc_list = [0x144, 0xABC]
ei = true
pc_upper_bound = 0xFFFFFF
pc_lower_bound = 0x000000

CmpVraImm8 = "E0"

LdBraRb = ["DE", "C"]

BitRaB = ["A", 0]

# OR...
instr_list = ["EI"]

reg = "E"
val = 0xFFF0

reg = "L"
val = 0x1234

reg = "E"
val = 0x0200