Demo Programs
The MFS-16 repository contains some compiled demo programs in the programs/
directory. The assembly source files are included as well.
fibonacci: The first-ever MFS-16 program! Calculates the 12th Fibonacci number and stores it in the L register. No graphical output.
hello_world: Displays some text and the 16-colour palette.
pixel_test: Covers the screen with some colourful gaudy lines to make sure the screen is working. May cause eyestrain.
bouncing_ball: An ugly "ball" that bounces around the screen.
bouncing_logo: Bounces the MFS-16 logo around the screen.
toggle_screen: Displays the same awful pattern as
, but the pattern can be switched on and off with a key press. -
kb: The bare-minimum keyboard test. Lights up pixels on the screen corresponding to pressed keyboard keys.
scribe: Type and erase text! File saving coming soon...
- promenade: Move a colourful square around the screen.